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Nowadays, more and more people think that to some degree, it is no use studying in university, especially the universities which are not very noted, because they find that many students eventually graduate from school without any capacity and can hardly find an ideal job under the suffocating pressure of competition. Personally, I believe studying in university is similar to farming. No pains, no gains.

Just as you have to sow seeds in spring without delay and laziness for the harvest in autumn, you must pay attention to your study and try to have a good beginning. Just as you have to fertilize your field to help the plants grow stronger during the nurturing, you should attach importance to study accumulation and constantly absorb all kinds of knowledge. And just like you have to keep weeding to create a good environment for your plants, you, too, have to stick to your aims and try to remove all bad habits frequently which are the obstruction on your way. We all know that weather and other elements permitting, good and care farming will bring peasants a good harvest. This is true of our study.

Behind the good harvest is the sweat of farmers and behind success is the great effort of students, too. If you sow your seeds at proper time and fertilize and weed in time without fear of hardship, then a golden fall will be waiting for you. If you pay attention to the basics and persist in your goals and keep studying and accumulating, you can get what you want, too——to be a success.

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